This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Anti-Ragging-300x141.png

Students are informed that under the order of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India as well as Hon’ble High Court and the Himachal Pradesh University Notification NO.1- 154/HPU/DSW/08-/360 Dated 10 July, 2008, Ragging in Educational Institutions including Hostels is strictly banned. Any student found involved in Ragging will be punished appropriately which may include.

  • Imprisonment, fine or both
  • Expulsion from the College
  • Suspension from the classes
  • Fine with public apology
  • Withholding Scholarships or other benefits
  • Debarring from the representation in sports/cultural events.
  • Suspension or expulsion from Hostels or Mess.
  • Legal proceedings under criminal law by lodging FIR.