The library is the heart and soul of any educational institution. The main functions of a library are to provide resources and research support for students and faculty of the educational institution. The library provides a quiet study space for students on campus. The library provides a “gateway” for students and researchers to access various resources, both print/physical, digital and connect with the outside world.

Our institution has a library with seating capacity for 100 students, 20 teachers with two study rooms. The library remains open from 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. on all working days. It is equipped with four computers with internet connectivity. Accession numbers of all the books available in the library have been assigned and these have been entered in the software SOUL 2.0. The Library Committee manages the various aspects of its stakeholders. the committee looks after the requirements of the faculty/students for reference books, competitive exam books, magazines, journals etc. The library stocks about 3459 books and subscription of five newspapers (one English and four Hindi). The library has also subscription of 11 magazines  and 4 journals such as Pratiyogita Darpan, Him Pratiyogita Sansar, Competition Success Review, Samsaamyiki Mahasagar, India Today (English), Business Today (English), Junior Science Refresher, Grihshobha, Yojana, Employment News and Himalayan Journal of Contemporary Research, University News and Third Concept. There is a book bank in the library having of 95 books which are issued to the needy as well as outstanding students the whole academic session.

Library Hall
Digital Library