To derive maximum benefit from the Teaching-Learning process and for all-round development of a student entering into first degree course, importance of PTA is gaining momentum day by day. Now days, PTA is playing a vital role in imparting quality education in colleges spread across HP and India. It is a living organization where all the parents and teachers have to participate on equal footings. In a general meeting of Parents & Teachers, PTA Executive is elected every year in the beginning of academic session. The executive body is entrusted to plan, execute and take necessary decisions for the overall development of the students and college.
Aims and Objectives
- To promote the welfare of students and youth in the home, the college and the community.
- To create better understanding between parents and teachers and harmonious relationship between the college and the community.
- To create the necessary consciousness among parents to stimulate their interest in their children and the college.
- To work for the improvement of the college with the united efforts of parents, teachers and college authorities.
- To help parents and students to adopt themselves to the changing concepts of society.
- To help the parents to understand the college programmes by visiting the college and observing their children at work.
- To arrange for frequent general meetings where parent teacher consultation are possible in a group as well as individually.
- To prepare programme which can increase cooperation between college and community and can create better mutual understanding between parents and teachers.
- To provide various opportunities to parents and teachers to meet and discuss problems of their children.
- To arrange for social get-together and programmes of recreation for parents and teachers along with students.
Mr. Suresh Kumar
Mrs. Promila Devi
Vice President
Prof. Anju Kumari
Mr. Heera Lal
Joint Secretary
Susheel Sharma